Sunday, June 5, 2016

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul: Walking with Elijah, The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul. An Inspiritional Spiritual Journey by Doobie Shemer

…Then Elijah turned back to the beam of light, raised his hand again, and said: “In the third commandment, the Creator told Moses that Man’s soul is pure and means no harm.” Elijah paused; he was still pointing at the light with one hand and holding me firmly by the arm with his other hand. “No soul is evil; no soul is immoral. A man should not search elsewhere for truth other than inside himself, because the Creator is in Man’s own soul.” Elijah paused again, laid his right hand on his chest, his palm over his heart, then bowed his head and shut his eyes.
I froze. My head was heavy and my legs weak. If it hadn’t been for Elijah’s reassuring grip on my arm, I would have been unable to stand. I could neither think nor speak.

Audio: ~ Chapter Six: The Ten Commandments, the Third.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - The soul will leave the body leave Earth when the mind is not helping it to achieve its goals.

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - The soul will leave the body leave Earth when the mind is not helping it to achieve its goals.: Walking with Elijah, The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul, -The soul will leave the body leave Earth when the mind is not helping it to achieve its goals.

Elijah’s eyes were shut but I knew he was listening, so I continued. “Some say that the balance of body, mind, and soul is the ultimate experience, and that only when all three are balanced can we make the best progress in our lives.”
Elijah’s head was bowed and a divine, peaceful eminence radiated from him. After a few seconds he replied, “This balance that you humans talk about is different from what the real relationship should be between soul, mind, and body. Since the mind is in control, it may turn out that the soul’s ability to function is very limited. This happens mainly when the mind is too much occupied with itself, when one’s ego becomes more important than taking care of the body. When that happens, there is often bodily sickness and, later on, a dysfunctional soul, which leads, in some cases, to death, either by suicide or as a result of severe illness.”
“So balance is required, but controlled by the mind, which changes as a person’s life progresses,” I suggested.
“Precisely,” he said. “The soul will leave the body—leave Earth—if it feels that the mind is not supporting it anymore, when the mind is not helping it to achieve its goals.”
He paused, opened his eyes and looked straight into mine. His sharp gaze hypnotized me. I could neither think nor move.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - Walking With Elijah: Do we see these angels? Can we talk to them - pray to them?

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - Walking With Elijah: Do we see these angels? Can we talk to them - pray to them?: Walking with Elijah, The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul, -Walking With Elijah: Do we see these angels? Can we talk to them - pray to them?

“Angels are the second level of souls. They are souls who
have accomplished their purpose and may decide not to return to Earth, but to
stay in the Red World. Souls which have reached this level are ready to help
the plain souls, either on Earth or while they are in the Red World. However,
angels may choose to return to Earth in a human body to become a soul mate to
plain souls. Angels can also go to Earth as spirits, rather than in a physical
form, to help plain souls attain their purpose.”
Questions flew out of my mouth. “Do we see these angels? Can
we talk to them—pray to them?”
 “Yes,” replied Elijah
to my hurried questions. “When a human calls an angel it is actually the human
soul that needs help, support, or advice. This ‘calling upon the angel’ happens
mostly while the human is asleep, in the world of dreams, since only while
sleeping is the soul free to connect with angels or other non-human helpers.”
“Free of what?” I asked.
“Free of coping with the human mind,” replied Elijah.
It’s amazing, I thought to myself. I need to journey some
more with Elijah on the topic of souls and the mind. I looked him, hoping for a
sign of agreement.
“Indeed,” he said. “Let’s walk on it.”
I thought I saw him smiling, but it might have been my




 ~ Chapter Five: Love and Soul

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - The soul will decide which gender is more suitable once it knows what purpose it has to accomplish

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - The soul will decide which gender is more suitable once it knows what purpose it has to accomplish: Walking with Elijah, The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul, -The soul will decide which gender is more suitable once it knows what purpose it has to accomplish.

“Then how can a soul make sure it accomplishes its purpose?” I asked.
“All human life cycles are similar,” said Elijah, “The soul and what it needs to accomplish are what makes the difference. For the soul to succeed, it has to maintain a connection with the angels and the Creator. This is what ties the soul to all the resources it needs—energy, healing, love—while it continues its presence on Earth in the human body.”
“Are men and women different when it comes to souls?” I asked.
“A soul has no preference for the gender of the human it travels with. A soul can be in a man’s body for one life journey, and the next time it may come back in a woman’s body. It depends on what it needs to accomplish in a life journey and with whom. The soul will decide which gender is more suitable once it knows what purpose it has to accomplish and right before it emerges into a baby’s body.”

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - The cycles allow souls to develop, to progress in parallel to the physical body

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - The cycles allow souls to develop, to progress in parallel to the physical body: Walking with Elijah, The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul, -The cycles allow souls to develop, to progress in parallel to the physical body

“A soul does not relate to any physical age. A soul’s growth comes with accomplishments, but the soul needs a human mind and body in order to progress. That is why the Creator created life on Earth in the form of cycles. The cycles allow souls to develop, to progress in parallel to the physical body, from the time they are born to the day they die—throughout a whole lifetime journey. And within a lifetime cycle lies the cycle of day and night. At night it is the soul that dominates the course of one’s development, while during the daytime, the mind dominates.”
“At night?” I repeated, looking at Elijah. “How?” 
“Through dreams,” replied Elijah. He leaned forward as if he was trying to get my full attention. “Dreams are one of the ways that the Creator guides the soul and helps one’s development throughout a lifetime,” he continued. “In dreams, the soul channels the information needed for the person to make progress and accomplish their purpose. But it’s up to the person’s mind, when they’re awake, to decide how this information is to be used and when action needs to be taken.”

Audio: ~ Chapter Three: A Life Journey 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - Not all souls manage to accomplish everything they should accomplish

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - Not all souls manage to accomplish everything they should accomplish: Walking with Elijah, The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul, -Not all souls manage to accomplish everything they should accomplish.

“This is where the life journey of a soul starts,” continued Elijah after a short pause. After the baby stage, a soul most likely knows how it will develop itself so it can learn its lessons and achieve its goals. As the human matures and becomes more independent, the soul is given additional skills and tools to help it to progress and learn. Then, during the stage of childhood, as the body develops, so does the soul. The soul works with other souls in order to accomplish its tasks. It’s rare that a soul does not need interaction with, or support from, other souls. That is the stage when real learning begins, and when the soul gains more confidence in itself and its ability to accomplish its goals.”
Thoughts raced through my mind. Could the soul’s childhood stage be equivalent to the school period of our lives? After all, both childhood and school make us ready for adulthood and independence.
“Right,” Elijah said, as if reading my mind. “At the childhood stage the soul learns all about what it needs to accomplish, and once the body functions independently, the soul starts to implement whatever it has learned.” He paused. “A soul doesn’t always succeed though. Not all souls manage to accomplish everything they should accomplish. Sometimes, it repeats wrongdoings it made in a previous life. In order to succeed, sometimes a soul has to overcome obstacles that are the result of conflict with other souls and their goals, or of a soul having its own mind.”

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - Length of time soul mates are together is meaningless. What’s more important is the goal they need to achieve

Walking with Elijah,The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul - Length of time soul mates are together is meaningless. What’s more important is the goal they need to achieve: Walking with Elijah, The Fable of a Life Journey and a Fulfilled Soul, -Length of time soul mates are together is meaningless. What’s more important is the goal they need to achieve -

“Now that you know about the soul’s cycle, let’s talk about soul mates,” Elijah said, ignoring my question. They’re not what you think they are. Soul mates are souls that work together to achieve a distinct purpose. Soul mates might partner for a long time—months, perhaps years—or a short time—days, hours, minutes even. The length of time soul mates are together is meaningless. What’s more important is the goal they need to achieve.”
I was intrigued. What I had just heard didn’t fit my idea of what soul mates were.
“In fact, there are examples of short encounters that were more meaningful to the two souls than long encounters were,” Elijah continued. “Furthermore, a soul may have many soul mates while on Earth. It is all depends on the stage that the soul is at and the mission it has to accomplish at that stage.”

Audio: ~ Chapter Five: Love and Souls